Having a business card is with no doubt very advantages for your business or for you - if you are using a personal card. They are professional, convenient, small, affordable, effective, great networing tools. The question is - how to get a good designed business card that will fit your needs when you do not have the experience to design your own card?
The first option is to hire a designer. The pros of this solution is that you get a unique business card, specially designed for you. The cons? Well, this is a very expensive solution if we are talking about the professional designer not the "24h services". You must find the professional designer with good references (this will cost you some time), even so you never know what you will get whether the card meets your expectations.
What is the alternative - the second option? Business card templates. Yes, the templates can be a great option if you want to save some time and money. But wait a moment, there is a catch. The quality. There are two types of the card templates - free and paid templates. The paid biz card templates from the well-known sources are mostly high quality, good designed and worth the price. What about the free business card templates? Who doesn't love something free? Unfortunately if something is free does not mean it is good quality. Most of the free biz card templates are poor quality and design. They simply do not work as the business card. Scribbling your contact details on a piece of paper is much more better than handing out such a poor card. But there are also some good news. The marriage od "free" and the "good quality" in the free business card templates world can live together in harmony. Where to get them? A good example is the http://BusinessCardTemplatesHub.com page. But you can easily find more. There are many websites with free PSD files where you can find free high quality templates. The templates are print-ready, CMYK, 300dpi, with bleeds.
But remember, It is very important if you want to make a good impression, you cannot compromise on quality in the printing service. You have the great card template for free but if you print it on poor quality paper you will lose all the impression and professionalism.
And finally, when you have your new, shiny, still hot business cards get in the habit of handing them out which is a pleasure if you have one you want to show off.