In this article we will go over some of the main reasons people use website designers as oppposed to trying to do it all themselves.
Many, many small business owners make the mistake of trying to create their own website or have an in-experienced family member or friend do it for them.
This ultimately wastes a lot of time & money for them. Here are a few reasons why you should just go ahead & hire a pro.
Web Design - Why Use A Website Designer?
Websites are one of the most prominent and powerful ways to get a business or brand known. If you are a business owner, then it makes complete sense to
search for a website designer in your local area. Although it is becoming increasingly easier to create websites yourself, web designs by amateurs do stand
out a lot compared to those produced professionally. If you are a business, then it increases your credibility to have a site designed by a professional.
Why is this so and what would a website designer do that you can't?
Designing a website isn't as easy as it sounds. Sure a site can be produced using a program, but it takes a lot of design know how on many, many aspects of it.
1. Did you know there are three fundamental aspects of web design that only a professional really knows? Functionality, aesthetics and ergonomics and how the
three meld together to produce an optimally efficient and great looking site.
2. Photography, and content writing. Both these tasks require a great deal of know how and skill if your site is to stand out from the crowd. Great looking
photos immediately capture the user and then great informative, to the point and captivating text keeps the user there, hopefully to the point of action.
3. How much time do you have on your hands? Running a business takes a great deal of time, how can any business owner find the time to sit down and learn how to
build a site, much less create one? And once it has been created, marketing it so it can be found. Which leads us nicely onto the next two points.
4. SEO - Search Engine Optimization. A professional web designer will incorporate this into the design of the site too. This is the process of telling search
engines what the site is about and how to find it. Essential if a businesses site is to be found by anyone.
5. Locality of the search. One of the most important reasons you should strongly consider using a web designer in your local area is because he will be
able to get your site on Google Places and Bing Business Portal in the right places. Ultimately, it is likely you want your site found by local customers,
so being able to be found locally is essential.
6. Latest technological know hows and upcoming advances. Did you know, for example that within a couple of years, the majority of people will be accessing the
internet via different means than today? At present, the average user uses a PC or laptop to surf. Very soon, this usage will be overtaken by mobile methods
such as your smartphone and tablet users. Even ebook readers will come under this category.
This means that a second site will need to be created based on the content of the first. Why? Because your site would need to be formatted to be read well on the
small screens of these devices.
These are just five simple reasons why any credible business owner should seriously consider using a web designer in their local area. Sure, much of this
could be done by the average person, but the site will likely not stand out from the competition. Hiring the services of a local website designer
will save you time, money and a lot of stress, not to mention a great looking, functional site that you will be proud to show off to your customers.