I know how easy it is for days to pass by and you've hardly spent a minute away from your computer. It's easy to get caught up and even mesmerized by the onslaught of emails, information, requests, research, social media- even product creation and to forget that offline marketing is crucial.
The problem is that after a while you become isolated from people--you know-the ones that might really like to hire you. Sometimes we dig into a project and just find time flying by, but more often I see business owners who don't feel confident stepping away from the computer and really connecting with people face-to-face. Or they just don't know where to begin to pursue an offline marketing strategy.
It's very easy to feel like you work hard when you've just spent hours in your office, but you may be disappointed with the results you're getting. As a knowledge or service based business, you've got to connect with people directly. Although you may find many new clients online, as I do, ultimately it's about the relationship you build with those people.
Here are three lead generation activities that will get you out from behind the computer, connecting with people, building powerful new relationships and even having a bit of fun!
Networking Strategy
Do you spend time and money attending local networking meetings with little result? I've seen this happen more times than I can count. The reason is simple. It's the same reason the majority of business owners struggle in general--no strategy.
Here are just a few tips to help you create a successful networking strategy-
• Pick organizations whose members are your target market or whose members serve clients in your target market.
• Prepare a Mesmerizing Sound Byte that quickly explains the results you get with your clients and the problems you solve, not just what you do. Engage people and make them curious to learn how you do it.
• Set goals for the results you want before you attend meetings. Offer a downloadable gift or an invitation to a live workshop to people who seem interested in what you do. Then get their card and put them on your mailing list to receive the gift. Or follow up with them immediately with all the details about how to register for your workshop.
• Be a leader. Think about creating your own meet up or local networking group. Meet up provides a great opportunity to build a group of followers in your target market. Or volunteer as a board member of a networking group where you are connecting with great prospects so you stand out and are noticed.
• Speak - develop a signature speech and pursue speaking opportunities at strategically chosen groups.
Phone calls
E-mail will never replace the power of a live phone conversation. Set up phone appointments with people who could become a center of influence or a great referral source. Set up phone appointments with prospects that are interested but need a personal connection with you in order to say yes. Use phone call as part of your marketing process and you will dramatically increase your sales and cement your relationships.
Mastermind Groups and Leads Groups
I always participate in masterminds and consider them a foundation for my success. The best strategy is to handpick a small group of people who are as or more successful than you and from whom you think you could learn. Ask them to participate in a regular mastermind. Set an agenda and goals and hold each other accountable. You'll be amazed at how much this can influence your success.
Leads groups can be powerful as well. However be sure that the other members are really in a position to send you the type of prospects you want. If there is no synergy between what they do and what you do, there probably won't be a good fit. You could even create your own leads group.
Right now, chose one of these three "get out from behind the computer" options and get started! You'll feel exhilarated by the human contact and excited about getting more new clients.
Are you hiding behind your computer?
6:51 AM