The news about the Unemployment extension benefits 2012 was long in air and it was on hot debates; at last congress has passed the bill about the unemployment benefits extension and has been signed by the president bark Obama, thus turning into law. According to the new legislation unemployed individuals can continue taking benefits as it is until May.
But there are some changings in the new legislation passed according to this law, the maximum number of weeks that a person entertained will be about 79 weeks. There are some other changings that has been made in tier 1-4. Unemployed worker in States with high unemployment ratio will be given 73 weeks and with states having low unemployment ratio will be provided with 63 weeks unemployment extension benefits.The tier is the additional benefits an individual will get besides the one he will be having from state itself. To be precise there will be some additional weeks they will be having added to the basic state extension weeks
Those unemployed workers collecting unemployment benefits and are expecting to expire from now to the end of the year will continue to receive extension benefits and latter on they will receive according to the new tier classification depending on the states ratio of unemployment.
So let me depict here some the updates regarding the new tier policy, according to this policy there will be no change in Unemployment extension benefits ending in may as they will continue to receive the maximum week extension benefits of about 89 to 99 depending on the state in which they are and the ration of unemployment is?
Extension benefits starting from June onward will be reduced to 79 weeks maximum or in other words the maximum number of weeks one getting will be about 79 weeks, and from September the maximum number of weeks will be reduced to 73. To cut the story short the maximum extension benefits that any unemployed worker can get will depends on the state unemployment ratio.
Overall no change has been made in the state basic benefits, as still they will be eligible for about 26 weeks. If we summarize the whole scenario it will be something like this, from June onward the maximum unemployed week benefits will be gradually reduced to 73 and this will continue till September and from September onward extension benefits will be reduced to 63 weeks gradually. An attempt has been made to provide the almost accurate stats.
For more information about unemployment benefits and unemployment extension visit, the unemployment information resource center for all.